Good in Tech Research News

Numéro 5 - Juin 2022

Faits saillants du numéro de juin :
• Valeur client dans le régime du Big Data. Les professionnels du marketing relationnel aux prises avec la réglementation des données (juridique, technique, économique). Kévin Mellet
• Étude de la fonction de délégué à la protection des données. Alexis Louvion
• L'innovation numérique responsable en termes de management. Christine Balagué, Ahmad Haidar

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Issue 4 - Avril 2022

Highlights from the April issue:
• Governing extremist discourse through algorithms. Valentine Crosset, Benoit Dupond
• The role of consumer perceptions on the ethics of machine learning in the appropriation of the system based on artificial intelligence. Christine Balagué, Zeling Zhong
• What is the value of the data? Kevin Mellet, Thomas Beauvisage

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Issue 3 - Janvier 2021

Highlights from the January issue:
• Some Critical and Ethical Perspectives on the Empirical Turn of AI Interpretability, 2022
• A self-regulatory framework for AI ethics – opportunities and challenges, 2021. Jean-Marie John-Mathews
• From reality to the world. A Critical Perspective on AI Fairness, 2022. Co-authors: Dominique Cardon and Christine Balagué. Accepted for publication in Journal of Business Ethics (rank A, HCERES)
• Reality displacement tests. The Selection of Individuals in the Age of Machine Learning, 2022. Co-author: Dominique Cardon
• Critical empirical study on black box explanations in AI, 2021
• Recomposing Normativities in Machine Learning Practices through Material and Discursive Experiments, 2022. Co-authors: Robin de Mourat, Donato Ricci, Maxime Crépel.

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Issue 2 - Novembre 2021

Highlights from the November issue:
- Responsible innovation in AI: a systematic review of the literature and directions for future research. Ahmad Haidar, Christine Balagué
- Analysis of corpus textual data on ethics and disorders related to AI and algorithms. Maxime Crepel, Dominique Cardon
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence Systems for Health. Nesma Houmani, Christine Balagué

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Issue 1 - Septembre 2021

Highlights from the September issue:
• Sampling weights for visual recognition with biased training datasets. Robin Vogel, Pierre Laforgue and Stephan Clemençon
• Relationship marketing and personal data. Loyalty cards, data collection and GDPR compliance. Kevin Mellet
• Third-Party App Market and Privacy Economics, Economics Bulletin. Grazia Cecere, Fabrice Le Guel, Vincent Lefrere

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